What is it with baby "weighing scale" that babies find it so nice to sleep on? This one fits me so well and it has soft matting too! I found out that Jolo enjoys his stay on this "bed" also.
Btw, the scale reads 4 kilos. Oh no! I've drank too much of my mommy's milk two weeks after my first weighing experience (3.2 kilos). But what can I do? I'm a baby! :-)
Are those muscles or what?...:-)
I am now one month old. To celebrate this occasion my lolo arthur bought me a chocolate cake which my lola delia, tito bernard, tita janet and her brother feasted on last Saturday.
And last Saturday was also my second visit to the Pedia. It was my first time to feel an abrupt pain after Dra. Aguirre took a shot of BCG vaccine on my hips. It hurt a bit but I guess I have to get use to it because mommy said there would be more.
Btw, I now weigh 4 kilos (from my previous weight of 3.2 kilos two weeks ago). That's loads of mommy's milk converted into fats in my body. :-)
And last Saturday was also my second visit to the Pedia. It was my first time to feel an abrupt pain after Dra. Aguirre took a shot of BCG vaccine on my hips. It hurt a bit but I guess I have to get use to it because mommy said there would be more.
Btw, I now weigh 4 kilos (from my previous weight of 3.2 kilos two weeks ago). That's loads of mommy's milk converted into fats in my body. :-)
This is how I reacted after my mom gave me a dose of a baby's multivitamins. It doesn't taste good.
Alrighty, here's the much awaited picture of me flashing the $100 million smile! My mommy was able to catch this rare moment after taking my breakfast (fresh milk from mommy's breast) :-)
These set of pictures were taken using my daddy's k750i camera phone in "burst" setting, (4 pics in one click).Here goes...
a nice smile
I've been sleeping a lot. I want to grow bigger as soon as possible. My lola promise to bring me to Mcdo and Jolibee everyday. :-)
Yes. I want those burgers and fries, but I'm sure my daddy will not allow me to have the soda.
Yes. I want those burgers and fries, but I'm sure my daddy will not allow me to have the soda.